Chakra Holistic Learning

Master Class Certifications at Your Pace

Tarot Reader Certification Course

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Tarot Reader Certification

No matter your level of skill with the Tarot, this Self-Paced course with Dr. Steve Johnston, will take you into the heart of the Esoteric Tarot System! Learn the Jungian Archetypes through the Journey of the Fool; Step into the Ancient Kabbalah through an in-depth study of the Tree of Life, harness the powers of the Elemental Energies, the Cardinal Directions and their supporting Archangels through the Minor Suits; easily understand the dance of energies well beyond the simple meanings of each card, all while learning to sharpen your intuitive side! 

About Dr. Steve Johnston

Combining the Clinical & the Esoteric

Steve has read the Tarot his entire life and has taught for the last 20 years. He incorporates Jungian Psychology approaches along with a lifetime of esoteric knowledge into a deep understanding of the Tarot System. As a Healer and Light-worker,  Steve has woven his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology together with his metaphysical knowledge to create a Powerful Course of applied practice!

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